How to participate

SatHawk is community-driven and community-built. By contributing your time, unique skills, and experience to SatHawk, you can earn rewards while becoming a steward of planet Earth.

Here are some ways to contribute right now:

1. Submit observations

SatHawk is powered by satellite observations from citizen scientists around the world.

To learn how to track satellites and make observations, check out the tutorials in the Satellite Tracking Guide.

Once you’ve created a SatHawk account and made an observation, visit this page to submit.

2. Contribute code

Are you a developer looking to pitch in or just sharpen your skills? Check out our Github project board to see all of the features, enhancements, and bugs our community is looking for your help with.

And please give our repos a star to help our project gain visibility in the open-source community.

3. Support the mission

You don’t need to know how to track sats or write code to help out.

Here's a list of tasks anyone can help with to advance SatHawk's mission:


  • Submit requests for Learning Hub topics: If there's anything specific you'd like to know more about, submit an issue in the discord, or in the Learning Hub's Github.

  • Report a bug: Please let us know if you find any bugs or undesired behavior by starting a post in the discord, or submitting an issue to our Github.

  • Voice your feature requests: If you have an idea for a feature, we ant to hear about it. Feel free to post about it in the discord, or submitting it as an issue on our Github.

  • Star our repos: If you have a Github account, follow the SatHawk repos to stay updated and please “star” the repos. This helps a lot with the project’s visibility.

  • Join the SatHawk Discord: Sign up here. You'll receive emails with updates from the community and the project.

  • Spread the word: Do you know someone else who's interested in space? Tell them about SatHawk!

More involved

  • Join the SatHawk Development Chat: To engage in real-time conversation on the development needs of SatHawk, join the Discord.

  • Help us with our documentation: Check out our wishlist of topics and enhancements that we'd like to include in the Learning Hub. Here's how you can help update this content.

  • Help us educate newcomers on satellite-tracking topics: There's so much more fascinating info around satellite-tracking than any one of us has time to create content for. Many of SatHawk's visitors have valuable knowledge and know-how that others would benefit from learning. Take a look at the list of sections under the Satellite Tracking Guide, and feel free to add your own content.

  • Help us with our feature specifications: Beyond just making feature requests, we welcome any input that helps refine existing feature requests. If you have an interest in project/product management, or just want a more involved role in shaping SatHawk's roadmap and features without touching code, check out our Github Project Board and issue list to see what we're working on. Feel free to voice your opinions by commenting on existing issues or opening your own.

Last updated